Take charge

Written by
Brij Sachdeva

Take charge of your mind in your own hands and then see what happens to your fate and how your destiny is transformed.

Take charge of your mind 

This is what all the enlightened masters have been preaching to the people down the millennia. 

In psychological terms, integrity, resolution and willpower have a deep significance. These are the psychological tools to control the mind. Controlling the mind is the best art in the world. You must have heard that the mind is fickle. If you  want to try to control your mind, then you should first start with a small resolution. For example, you take a resolution that I will not touch my face with my hands for one day in a week, as you must have done during the time of COVID. If you succeed in this, then continue it in a similar way or take a bigger resolution. You can take any resolution according to your convenience, such as, whenever you are out of the house, you will not look at anyone here and there. As you become successful in complying to your resolution, your control over your mind will increase. Your life will change forever. Now you can take an even bigger resolution. Any, such as take a resolution to give up a bad habit. After this, take a resolution to develop a good habit. Now you will start feeling happiness. You feel that your mind is not controlling you. Rather the mind is becoming your slave. Now carry forward this process continuously. Now you take a resolution that you will not let any other person influence or control my mind. If any person tries to make you angry, you will remain calm. If he succeeds in making you angry then it means that the remote control of your mind is in his hands. I tell you this thing that if your resolve power has become strong then you will be able to do all this easily. If someone abuses you then you can pretend to be angry, but the state of your mind will be such that there will not be even a little feeling of hatred or anger in your mind. The balance of your mind will not be disturbed. If the state of your mind is completely balanced then you will be able to give such an answer or reaction to that insulting person that you yourself will be surprised, how is all this happening? You will be surprised to see that some divine power has come and settled inside you. When the control of your mind comes into your hands, your mind becomes a Kalpavriksha (the wish-fulfilling tree). Then the whole universe is forced to bow down at your feet.

To be continued…………….
