Truth is a flux


Written by
Brij Sachdeva


"Come out, gonna show you an elephant in the sky” father sitting in the backyard called out to his little son. By the time the child comes out, the elephant-shaped cloud changes its shape to a general ill-defined shape of a typical cloud. Now there is no elephant in the sky. Now there is no wonder, no excitement, no interest because it is just a cloud- all the same as usual. What was beautiful, became just obvious and casual. What was significant, one moment before, became insignificant the very next moment. What was a truth, became a lie in no time. What was right, became wrong in the context of the situation. By the time you decide that a person is good or right, he may become bad or wrong. By the time you think that a certain person is not worth giving a f**kk!!h, may turn out to be of immense value to you.


The secret of knowing your Truth or Dharma is in figuring out your life situation and then responding to the worldly situations around you accordingly. You have to figure out your situation by yourself. You have to discover your Truth on your own accord, moment to moment. This is what all religions mean by Truth. Following the Truth does not mean that you should not lie. It simply means that you have to find your truth and then follow it.

Truth is a flux. Finding your life situation or your Truth does not mean that once you have found it, it is done. It may change every moment. If there are eight billion people on this earth, there may be eight billion truths every moment. The next moment may bring new eight billion Truths. If something is right for you at this moment, it can turn into wrong for you the very next moment. If something is relevant and significant at this moment, may become irrelevant and insignificant, the very next moment, due to a changing life situation. Knowing your Truth or figuring out your reality and responding moment to moment does not mean that you have to live in the present and go on reacting to life situations whatever you feel like, without any consideration of the past and future.


After evaluating your life situation by learning from the past, and considering all the possible future implications with full involvement, awareness and confidence, if you do something consciously, knowing firmly why you are doing what you do, is bound to be right.
