Aspire to have it all

Written by
Brij Sachdeva

Suppose, you are playing with a ball and suddenly the ball slips out of your hand and falls on the other side of a stagnant pool of filth. You have to pass through all the filth to get that ball. Now, will you aspire to have that ball back? No, I am sure. 
Now suppose, you are in jail, as a prisoner sentenced to death. One day, it happens that the wall of the jail gets broken, and there is a chance to escape. But, on the other side of the broken wall, there is a huge stagnant pool of filth. Beyond the filth there is freedom. Now, you will definitely aspire to have that freedom, even if you have to pass through all the filth. This is because now you have enough of the passion, the drive, the focus and of course, the broken wall as a support. And when you have all these things, success is sure.


You can aspire to attain anything as long as you have the drive, the passion, the focus and support. But if you are lacking in any one of these things, you may prove to be a loser. You can aspire to attain anything but your aspiration has to be founded on the ground of reality. Only then it is authentic and valid. By beating the wall, you cannot transform it into a door.

The crux of the matter is that your aspirations are meaningful, genuine, and effective only when they are grounded in reality, supported by valid justifications, passion, determination, and rational focus.

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