Psychological Unity

written by 
Brij Sachdeva

The human body consists of nearly fifty trillion cells. It is nothing but an organic unity of fifty trillion cells. In this organic unity, all the cells are in a relationship with one another. They work for one another and have affinities and attachments. Similarly, when two or more human beings establish a relationship and start working in cooperation, it becomes a psychological unity.

All the nations, religions, communities and organizations are psychological unities.
This seems to be the law of existence. This seems to be the nature of the things. There is a great relationship between the roots of a plant and the surrounding soil. Roots draw water and minerals from the surrounding soil and in exchange, they give strength, vitality, fertility and much more to the soil. It is a kind of love affair.

Electrons, protons and neutrons combine to become atoms. Atoms combine to become molecules. Molecules combine to become compounds and minerals. Minerals combine to become human cells. Human cells combine to become human beings. Human beings combine to become families, communities, religions, organizations and nations.

One billion people combine in a relationship to form a psychological unity called a nation and put all their collective power into a book of rules called the Constitution.

As far as my vision is concerned, there is every possibility that all the human beings living on this earth are going to combine as the greatest psychological unity by putting all their collective power into one greatest entity known as AGI, ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE, which I prefer to call 'THE ARTIFICIAL GOD'.
