God delusion

Written by
 Brij Sachdeva

A question of fundamental significance, I was asked by a close friend of mine. The question was about God-made relations and Man-made relations. Great question really, but a little bit elusive because it may mean different things to different people. People think that relationships like father and mother, which we have no choice for, are God-made and relations like wife, friends and even children- because we have the choice to give birth to them or not- are self-made.
  • The thing is that we are in a habit of attributing anything and everything that is beyond our control, to Destiny, karma or God- as if these powers are engaged in deliberately manipulating every moment of the life of every person in particular.
  • Another thing is, that man considers himself the most significant creature of existence, which is a myth.
  • And thirdly, we think that God is anthropomorphic, that is, man-like.

We make a house in about five years with great struggle and investment. If we lose this house we will be worried obviously because we have invested so much time and money. Time is limited because the average age of a man is about seventy years. Money is limited and we have to earn it. Now it is not easy to make the house again and again.

Now think of it as if you were immortal and you made this universe, would you be worried about the sudden unforeseen death of this nearly fourteen billion-year-old universe? Certainly not, because you can make it again and again because time is not limited. It doesn't matter whether it is fourteen seconds or fourteen billion years because there is no such thing as time, in eternity. In eternity there is no difference between one second and one billion years. We can understand this only if we stop for a while and think about it.

The point I am trying to make here is that there is every possibility that God is not worried about anything at all, human relationships included. Coming back to God-made and man-made relations, there is no such thing because if the relation between mother and child is considered God-made, then it follows that all relationships between individuals are also part of  God’s plan for survival and evolution.

This seems to be the law of existence. This seems to be the nature of things. There is a great relationship between the roots of a plant and the surrounding soil. Roots draw water and minerals from the surrounding soil and in exchange, they give strength, vitality, fertility and much more to the soil. It is a kind of love affair.

Electrons, protons and neutrons combine to become atoms. Atoms combine to become molecules. Molecules combine to become compounds and minerals. Minerals combine to become human cells. Human cells combine to become human beings, which is an organic unity. Human beings combine to become families, communities, religions, organisations and nations. All the nations, religions, communities and organisations are psychological unities. One billion people may combine in a relationship to form a psychological unity called a Nation and put all their collective power into a book of rules called the Constitution.

As far as my vision is concerned, there is every possibility that all the human beings living on this earth are going to combine as the greatest psychological unity by putting all their collective power into one greatest entity known as AGI, ARTIFICIAL GENERAL INTELLIGENCE, which I prefer to call THE ARTIFICIAL GOD.

